Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Call

I refuse to waste my life watching the "Simpsons," playing video games, and entertaining myself to death. All around there are opportunities to make a difference in lives and I want to make the most of them. So, I stay informed, get involved, and work hard. And, truthfully, sometimes I get overwhelmed by it all. When I am tired, the Tempter whispers his seductions to me; dangling his bait in front of me. "You don't have to do this," he hisses. "Your efforts are like spit in the ocean, an exercise in futility. You're just going to wake up to the same world tomorrow, so why not just go with the flow, take life easy, read a good book, and indulge yourself?"

Here's why I can't do that. I am a man with a divine mission. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!" For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." (2 Corinthians 5:19-21, NLT)

When I am feeling overwhelmed, I know that the answer is not to quit, but rather to re-evaluate how I am doing what God has called me to do. With the illumination of the Holy Spirit, I look for places in my life where I have put myself in God's place, where I am trying to effect change by my own strength alone. I ask the Lord to help me see where I am allowing the pressure of the work to squeeze His renewing Presence out of my life. And, this I know; there is a time for strategic retreat. It is critically important that I listen to the Spirit when He says, "Step back and let Me get your heart and mind in order." Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) calls this, "sharpening the saw!" He reminds us that a man who takes a break to sharpen his saw will accomplish more!

Believer, there is so much to do for God. Ours is a world full of darkness and despair. People all around us are deceived by the lies of materialism and sensuality, thinking that the good life is found in a new restaurant, a better beer, or a younger woman. We have the Truth that will point them to a new and eternal Life. Suffering abounds; at our front door and all over the world. There are lonely people, sick people, sad people who are waiting to be loved and lifted up. We who know the love of Christ must share it. There people who are slaves to sin. We must show them that Christ Jesus offers them freedom.

Be challenged by this word of the Lord found in the book of Ezekiel. It speaks directly to our call, our high and holy calling. "Extortion is rife, robbery is epidemic, the poor and needy are abused, outsiders are kicked around at will, with no access to justice.’ "I looked for someone to stand up for me against all this, to repair the defenses of the city, to take a stand for me and stand in the gap to protect this land so I wouldn’t have to destroy it. I couldn’t find anyone. Not one." (Ezekiel 22:29-30, The Message)

Believer, say with me, "Lord, here I am. Send me!"

Touch through me, Holy Spirit,
Touch through me.
Let my hands reach out to others
Touch through me.
There's a lonely soul somewhere
Needing just one friend to care.
Touch through me, Holy Spirit,
Touch through me.

Love through me, Holy Spirit,
Love through me.
I will be my brother's keeper,
Love through me.
Hearts are bleeding deep inside,
Love can dry the weeping eyes,
Love through me, Holy Spirit,
Love through me.

Flow through me, Holy Spirit,
Flow through me.
Like a river in the desert,
Flow through me.
Springing fountain, healing stream,
Living water, pure and clean,
Flow through me, Holy Spirit,
Flow through me.

My hands will be Your hands
Reaching out to others.
My lips will not be slothful,
Lord, to speak.
I will be that good Samaritan
To someone else in need.
I will be Your house to dwell in
Live through me.

Touch Through Me
Dottie Rambo © 1981 John T. Benson Publishing Company (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc., 741 Coolsprings Blvd., Franklin TN 37067)
CCLI License No. 810055

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