Thursday, November 29, 2007

Where is the Church?

In the Nov./Dec. 2007 issue of Worship Leader, Bebo Norman writes about Gary Haugen, founder of IJM (Int'l Justice Mission), an organization that fights injustice among the poorest of the world. This Christian group grapples with human depravity at its worst. Human slavery and sex trafficking of children are just two of the ugly practices they try to end in the name of Jesus. Back in 1994, Haugen was asked to part of the United Nations inquiry in Rwanda. Haugen's assignment was grim. In a nation where more than a million people were hacked to death by their neighbors using machetes, he was asked to dig up mass graves and sort through piles of body parts in stadiums around that nation to try to arrive at an accurate estimate of the number of deaths that resulted from this outpouring of hatred! Most of us would collapse under the weight of such an horrific assignment, probably whining and blaming God by asking, "Where were You?" Gary Haugen asks an entirely different, and much more useful, question: "Where were God's people?"

I fear many of us have asked God for easy assignments, far from the front lines. God's people are often missing in action at critical moments when evil might be turned aside, when sin threatens to overwhelm yet another life, neighborhood, or nation! How many pray or, at least think, something like this - "I will serve you, Lord, but only where it requires minimal inconvenience and little sacrifice in terms of my autonomy and lifestyle."
Have you ever considered any of the following....
...Going to live in an urban center of America that are torn apart by violence, drugs, and poverty to be a light for Christ and His Gospel?
...Staffing a missions outreach in lonely, hard post in a developing nations?
...Taking on a ministry call to teach kids, feed the poor, visit those who are elderly and lonely, or lead a prison Bible Study?
...Getting up regularly to pray for the world at 4:30 AM?
...Encouraging your kids to accept a call to full-time Christian ministry as a pastor or teacher despite the sacrifice that comes with that vocation?
If not, why not?
Have you preserved your own comfort and offered to serve, but only at your convenience?

Jesus issued an 'in your face' challenge, words that we usually either ignore or soften, but that deserve our full attention. He said, "If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me. If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find it. What will you gain, if you own the whole world but destroy yourself? What would you give to get back your soul?" (Matthew 16:24-26, CEV) That's not Mommy-talk! That's drill sergeant growl! The Lord of Glory wants us to realize that the stakes are huge. The destiny of your family, your church, your town, your nation; yes, the world - depends on the Church (you and me) standing up and reporting for duty.

Andy Stanley teaches that real and passionate visions develop in four stages:
1. Defining the Problem.
2. Outlining a Solution.
3. Determining the Reason something must be done.
4. Deciding to do something now!

The problem is that evil is on the rampage, destroying lives, and deluding people to march straight for Hell.
The solution is the message of the Gospel, that Christ Jesus has defeated evil and opened the way to eternal life.
If we don't step up, a generation will be lost, our generation!
So, "knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed." (Romans 13:11, NKJV)

When you decide to answer the call, watch out that you're not diverted into the sub-culture of evangelical Christianity that is so consumed with preserving a certain kind of lifestyle! Jesus did not die on the Cross to make us all Republicans so we could pay lower taxes and fight bloated government spending! Our mission is one of justice, mercy, and compassion. We are advocates of the poor, liberators of those enslaved by sin, and priests of the living God who are sent to bring healing to the nations.

Get desperate! Get serious! Let's show up and, by the power of the Spirit, let's make a difference in our generation.

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