Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Unprincipled Expedience

It was one of those situations that can only be filed under the label - "Beyond Explanation." Last week Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for the Republican nomination for President. The preacher who has advocated for the protection of the unborn, who has resisted same sex marriage laws mightily, chose to publicly throw his influence behind a man who is a self-admitted adulterer, a supporter of abortion on demand, and gay marriage. I liked McCain's response which was simply eloquent, "For once, I'm speechless!" My remarks are not about who should be our next President. TFTD is not a political column. What I want to focus on is the reason offered by Robertson for what he did, "Giuliani is the only candidate I think can defeat the Democrats in the '08 election." In other words Mr. Robertson chose a position based expedience, what he thinks will work to produce the desired result.

Expedience tempts us all. A young Believer whose marriage is on the rocks wept as she admitted to me that she married a man she knew did not share her faith. Now their marriage was missing a heart, a shared set of values built around a common love for Christ. She made her choice despite the Scripture's warning about being unequally yoked and her own Mom's warnings. She knew the principle but chose to do what seemed to work for her in the moment. Most of us could tell similar stories of times when we, too, found a way to sidestep God's wisdom and way to follow our preferred path.

In Genesis, we read the story of Abraham and Sarah. God promised them a son from whom would come a great nation! As age closed in on her and it became clear she was beyond the age of conception, she chose a path of expedience, giving her maid, Hagar, to Abraham as a surrogate mother. Problem solved, right? Wrong! It was a plan that worked to produce a son, but it was not God's plan for the promised son. As the story unfolds we see the struggle that developed between the son of promise born later by miraculous provision and the son of Hagar, conceived through expedience! Proverbs reminds us that "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 16:25, NKJV)

Principled people are a pain in the neck! They refuse to just 'go along to get along.' They often seem to be rigid, unyielding- for they are not susceptible to winds of opinion, to peer pressure, or to desperation. They stand in the way of those who 'just want to get the job done.' They want to 'do the job right.' They are called unreasonable, pushed aside as obstacles to progress. Of course there is a different between a truly principled individual and a stubborn one! A stubborn person just does not listen to anyone else because he is convinced of the rightness of his superior opinions. That is not what God wants from us. We must take great care that we do not confuse our preferences with God's eternal principles!

Let me use a hot button issue to illustrate. Hundreds of churches in America are bitterly divided over styles of worship. On one side stand those who think that true worship is built around 18th century hymns, beautifully written, and accompanied by a pipe organ. On the other stand those who sing songs written yesterday, lyrics projected on the wall, accompanied by pounding drums and electrified guitars. Both claim principle backs their position. Neither is right. The issue is one of preference!

A person of true principles is never arrogant, haughty, or harsh. He is quietly committed to living the Truth of the Scripture and knows that "wisdom is proved right by all her children." (Luke 7:35, NIV) Believer, are you tempted by a path of expedience today? Is there a choice before you that involves a 'practical solution' versus a 'principled decision'? First, know God's wisdom and ways. Then, ask for faith to accept it. Then, follow His path, no matter the cost.

Here's a word from the Word. May it guide your mind today and always. "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. ... the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." (James 3:17, NKJV)

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