Monday, April 16, 2007

"It's a faith thing!"

"It's a faith thing!"

What we think we believe is often at odds with what we truly believe! Our profession of faith in Jesus Christ is confirmed or denied, not by our words alone, but by our actions which reveal the depth of our convictions. For example, I say that wearing my seatbelt while I am driving will keep me much more safe on the road, but obviously I do not believe it is true, because most of the time I fail to put it on! The recent headlines about Governor Corzine's terrible injuries, which he received while riding in a large SUV while not wearing his seatbelt, are forcing me to re-evaluate my 'beliefs' about the value of wearing a seatbelt. You will know if I am actually 'converted' when you see me buckle up when I get into my car.

Then, too, faith is not an 'all or nothing' kind of thing. Most of us have gaps in our faith that we do not see in ourselves! A person may have a deep and authentic faith about God's provision for her financial needs which makes her generous, consistent in tithing, and worry free about her stuff and yet be an anxious wreck in raising her kids, unable to commit them to the care of the Lord.

As we mature in our Christianity, a beautiful wholeness of faith envelopes us. The gaps between our profession and our possession of faith close. Inconsistencies disappear and an admirable, rock solid, Christ-centered, life emerges like a butterfly from a cocoon.

So, how does a Christian gain faith that is beautiful and whole?

First, we ask for it! Faith is a gift of God. The Holy Spirit works in us to draw us to God, to cause us to desire Him and to live in a way that pleases Him. We can pray, indeed we ought to pray, for other's to know this work of grace in their lives. A man who was in desperate need came to Jesus seeking healing for his tormented son. He realized that the most basic need he had was for greater faith and his prayer was direct - "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9.24) We must not pretend to own a greater faith than we do. Such hypocrisy blocks us from asking for the very thing we need most in time of need - the gift of faith.

Second, we inform our minds with godly truth! The fertile soil of a strong, life changing faith, is the Scripture. In the pages of the Bible, God is revealed to us. When our minds are shaped around God, when we understand the world with a spiritual view, faith grows. The Psalmist said, "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11, NLT) What does he mean? That he had taken time to integrate the truth of God's Word into his thought life so that his actions would be consistent with faith.

Third, we invite the Spirit to school us, to develop faith. Here's a tough truth for many of us to accept. "When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." (James 1:3-4, NLT) In The Message, that passage reads - "You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (James 1:3-4, The Message) When life kicks you around, when people fail you, when the future looks dark, when to all appearances there is no way to turn for relief- you are in the school of faith! You can relinquish control, quiet your soul, and put yourself in God's care, OR you can kick, scream, and create your own solution. If you choose to exercise faith, God will make a way. It might not be the way you would choose, but it will be the way that brings honor to Him.

Don't be alarmed if you find yourself in anguish when your faith is being formed. Even Jesus was pressed to the limit. When He faced the Cross, He prayed for release, but then released Himself to God's plans, not with resignation to fate, but with a faith surrender to His Father's will!

There is no easy road in the life of faith. The natural man craves security, affirmation, and vindication of self! The spiritual man is secure in the Spirit, affirmed by God, and is willing to wait for Heaven's revelation.
It's a faith thing!
Encamped along the hills of light,
Ye Christian soldiers, rise,
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies.

Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory!
Oh, glorious victory,
That overcomes the world.

His banner over us is love,
Our sword the word of God.
We tread the road the saints above,
With shouts of triumph trod.

On every hand the foe we find.
Drawn up in dread array.
Let tents of ease be left behind.
And onward to the fray.

To Him that overcomes the foe,
White raiment shall be giv'n;
Before the angels He shall know
His name confessed in heav'n.

Then onward from the hills of light,
Our hearts with love aflame,
We'll vanquish all the hosts of night,
In Jesus' conquering name.

Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory!
Oh, glorious victory,
That overcomes the world.

Faith Is The Victory

Yates, John H. / Sankey, Ira D.

© Public Domain

1 comment:

robert said...

Thanks for your devotional, and for posting the words of John Yates's hymn. (Today is the 172nd anniversary of his birth.) If you enjoy learning about hymns and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns. God bless.