Thursday, July 13, 2006

The amazing power of "thanks!"

Are you aware of the power of sincere gratitude? "Thanks-living" has the capability of transforming a bad day into a good one, a difficult relationship into a rewarding one, a miserable situation into one that is tolerable. Anybody who knows me even a little, is well aware that I can be a real grump, that I live wrapped up in the world of ideas and thoughts a lot. I am not exactly "Johnnie Sunshine" some of the time because of the drive to 'get it done' and the need to see it (whatever 'it' is) done right and well. Truth is, when I am at my most focused and intense state, I don't even like me. OK, you can stop laughing at that one. I'm sure somebody's going to remind me of that statement at exactly the wrong moment.

I've learned a way to regain a grip on my brighter side. I just begin to offer up thanks. It happened 'round 3:30 AM today. I awakened feeling anxious about some projects that are waiting to be completed. There in the dark I could feel tension rising inside of me. Of course there was not much I could do at that hour, but I knew I didn't want to spend the next two hours staring into the dark at the ceiling, so I started running down a list in my mind of people for whom I am so very thankful. I named them, one by one, to the Lord, thanking Him specifically for who they were and the ways that He allowed them to enrich my life and ministry. In a matter of moments, I just know there was a smile on my face in place of the tension lines because I felt the anxiety ease. It felt so wonderful to be thanking the Lord, that I praised Him for His love, for the grace He's sovereignly given me, for the amazing trust He's shown in me by giving me access to so many good things.

Sometimes thankfulness is almost spontaneous! When some wonderful thing happens - a heart-felt "Thank you, Lord! Praise God!" bursts from my lips. And then sometimes, I have to offer what the Bible calls a 'sacrifice of praise.' In that, I give up my will, my desire for more pleasant circumstances, and begin to thank God for His goodness, for His sovereignty, for His sometimes inscrutable will! Let's not make a common mistake involving this kind of thanksgiving. God doesn't ask you and me to defy good sense by thanking Him for terrible things like war, disease, or sinful oppression. That's nuts! But, He clearly wants us to thank Him for His faithfulness, for His love, for His goodness even when it seems like He's forsaken us, or left us in the grasp of the Evil One.

David urges us to adopt thanksgiving as a lifestyle. Take a look:
"I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are discouraged take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together." (Psalm 34:1-4, NLT)

Remember, too, the importance of expressing appreciation to others. There's a genuine benefit that accrues to the one giving thanks in those situations. When we honestly express our thanks to another person (Careful there, I'm not recommending empty praise) we inevitably gain an emotional lift. Try it in a conversation today. You know how easily we slide into criticism of others. I do, so do you. When that starts to happen, turn it inside out and look for ways to speak positively and appreciatively about others. Watch the tone of the conversation change. It will amaze you. And you'll feel so much better, so much more encouraged, at the end of the conversation. I'm not recommending that we become Pollyanna's who only see the good side of life and never, ever say a cross or critical word. Speaking truthfully means that sometimes we'll have to point out failure or need for change. But, on balance, we will accomplish much more with sincere praise than with incessant criticism. (God, help me to remember that!)

So, I hope you'll take this simple little TFTD and make it a day for "thanks-living." Why not start right now with 5 minutes of praise prayer? Don't ask God for anything, just thank Him - profusely for people and situations and His goodness! Then, as you go through the day, look for opportunities to drop a word of affirmation and thanks into the lives of people - from the girl who pours your coffee to the spouse who shares you life!

And - Thank you for reading along day by day.

Give thanks to the Lord our God and King;
His love endures forever.
For He is good He is above all things;
His love endures forever.
Sing Praise -- Sing Praise

With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm;
His love endures forever.
For the life that's been reborn;
His love endures forever.
Sing Praise -- Sing Praise.

From the rising to the setting sun;
His love endures forever.
By the grace of God we can carry on;
His love endures forever.

Forever God Is Faithful,
Forever God Is Strong.
Forever God Is With Us Forever - Forever

Copyright - Chris Tomlin - CCLI License No. 810055

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