Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fearing God

We sing, "I stand in awe of You," but do we really know what that means? Back in 1989, in addition to pastoring a small church in Massachusetts, I worked a few hours each day selling office supplies. It was just a job, not bad, not exciting - just a place to sell pens, paper, poster board, etc. One Summer day a famous face walked through the doors of that little store. Meryl Streep walked up to the counter and asked for refills for her Mont Blanc pen. I was, much to my embarrassment, star-struck! I felt a kind of awe that I was meeting a woman who was, at that time, known all over the world for her work in major movies. Don't get the wrong idea. She didn't come into the store escorted by a big entourage or dressed in diamonds. She had her little kids with her and looked like she had just come in from working the yard. It was simply her presence that created the awe in me.

I don't find awe all that common in our worship of the Living Lord. Often I rush into His presence, whether privately or in corporate gatherings, noisily and often, with a list of demands. I attend to Him half-heartedly while thinking about the deadlines that are pressing in on me. A low view of God has robbed us of our awe, turning the Lord of Glory into the Divine Buddy, the Dispenser of the Doodads! When was the last time you sat in the Presence of the Lord with a crushing sense of His awesomeness? When was the last time that instead of turning up the volume of the music, you felt only like contemplating His Person in silence?

Ponder these words -
"Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!
He is to be revered above all the gods.
The gods of other nations are merely idols,
but the Lord made the heavens!
Honor and majesty surround him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. ...
Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor.

Let all the earth tremble before him."
(Psalm 96:4-6, 9 NLT)

It is important to know that Jesus Christ loves us, that He walks with us, that the Holy Spirit comforts us. I make no case for turning God into a remote, unapproachable Person. And yet, we must balance our familiarity with the Lord with a Biblical awe - which Proverbs reminds us is the fountainhead of wisdom! (1.7) The same Jesus who held children in his arms, who extended forgiveness to an adulterous woman, and who fed hungry crowds; is also the Lord of the Revelation - whom John says appeared to him "in a robe and gold breastplate, hair a blizzard of white, Eyes pouring fire-blaze, both feet furnace-fired bronze, His voice a cataract, right hand holding the Seven Stars, His mouth a sharp-biting sword, his face a perigee sun." (Revelation 1:13-16, The Message) And how did John respond to that appearance? "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead." (Revelation 1:17, NLT) Jesus touched John and told him not to be overcome with terror! But there was real awe!

Don't lose your awe of God! Don't make Him too small. Yes, love Him as your Friend. Yes, come near to Him in full confidence of faith, but remember He is the Lord of Glory.
At your entrance into eternity, He will be your Judge, the One who, with perfect justice and complete insight, evaluates every thought, every action, every motive. He is All-Knowing, All-powerful, Present Everywhere, King and Lord above all gods!

You are beautiful beyond description,
Too marvelous for words,
Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom,
Who can fathom the depth of Your love?
You are beautiful beyond description,
Majesty enthroned above.

And I stand, I stand in awe of You.
I stand, I stand in awe of You.
Holy God, to whom all praise is due,
I stand in awe of You.

© 1987 People Of Destiny International (Admin. by PDI Ministries) CCLI License No. 810055

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