Thursday, April 20, 2006

Who speaks for God?

Would you agree with me that God needs some really good ambassadors in this world, who represent His kingdom well?

It seems to me that too often only the hate-mongers like Fred Phelps get the headlines. He's the 'pastor' who leads "Christians" in marches at American soldiers funerals waving signs that read - "God hates fags!" and "God Hates Cripple Soldiers" and other slogans too vile to publish here.
Then, too, everybody knows about the TV preachers who preach the "health and wealth" Gospel that only feeds the selfishness and greed of listeners. They promise rich rewards to the gullible who send in generous offerings to buy God's favor. Oh, it hurts, doesn't it?
Less spectacular, but just as harmful are those religious zealots who represent God as an angry Father ready to knock down anyone who doesn't cower before Him. They focus on the sins and failures of their family and neighbors, criticizing and condemning, and threatening hellfire for all. If they mention Jesus at all, it isn't about His amazing love, but rather His Second Coming 'to set everything right!' - meaning, "He's gonna finally punish all you sinners!" Oh, it hurts my heart so badly! If I only knew God through the kinds of messengers I've just mentioned, I wouldn't want anything to do with Christianity and/or organized religion, either.

That's why God needs you and me to speak up!

The Bible says, "We are Christ’s ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, “Be reconciled to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." (2 Corinthians 5:20-21, NLT) What a commission. We, who have experienced the favor of God through Christ Jesus, are able to freely offer it to people around us. That doesn't mean we have to 'go soft on sin.' We are privileged, instead, to build bridges into the lives of those who are isolated, offering them a way to know the God that will satisfy the hunger that they have for meaning, purpose, and wholeness.

The Holy Spirit divinely equips us to speak for God with an ability that the New Testament calls the gift of prophecy. Don't get scared! Paul talks at length about it in 1st Corinthians 14. We attach all kinds of mystical, spooky connotations to the word, but it's really a simple concept. Prophets represent God, bringing His words to others! They represent Him to the world. "Let love be your highest goal, but also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives, especially the gift of prophecy... one who prophesies is helping others grow in the Lord, encouraging and comforting them." (1 Corinthians 14:1, 3 NLT) We, that's right, you and me - are urged to pray for this gift to be active in us, so that we can speak God's message to the people around us in a way that is convincing and effective. That doesn't mean you have to work up a 30 minute sermon and take over the break room today to deliver a full attack on the sins of America! It means that we listen to the quiet voice of the Spirit, asking Him to give us words that people need to hear. And He will! They can be loving words, encouraging words, comforting words, inviting words. Prophets write short encouraging notes when they feel that the Lord is directing them to do that. Prophets gently tell the truth, accurately, and without a personal agenda.

Are you willing to speak for God? It takes a sensitive heart, a submitted spirit, and lots of courage. When you say "I've been praying and I believe that the Spirit wants me to share this with you..." you're going to get criticized, rejected, and marked as a nut case! But, if you're really hearing from God, you're going to also have opportunities to encourage, to help lost people find the Way.

Let's not let the noisy offensive religious nuts be the only voices that claim to speak for God.
Pray that God will speak to you so you can speak to others. Keep it real, keep it loving, keep it Christ-centered.

We are called to be prophets to this nation
To be the word of God in every situation
Change my heart - Change my heart today

Who'll be the salt if the salt should lose its flavor?
Who'll be the salt if the salt should lose its flavor?
Change my heart - Change my heart today

Lord, take all my lies and take all of my greed
Let me be a sacrifice to those who are in need
Change my heart - Change my heart today

Lord, without Your power it's all just good intentions
Lord, without Your grace who could find redemption?
Change my heart - Change my heart today

Lord, loose the chains of oppression
Lord, set the captives free
Lord, fill my heart with compassion
Shine Your light, Shine Your Light
Shine Your light thru me

Work a miracle in my heart
Work a miracle in my heart
Work a miracle in my heart, Oh Lord, today!

CCLI License No. 810055

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